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historically accurate samurai warrior si

This game started as a curiosity. The sunlight & fresh air with friends was more than enough. Then something changed as you played more frequently. A little flame started to take hold. As time went by, that flame has grown. Now it's an inferno. The only next step is to take your game to the next level. But it's not a game anymore. It's a war, and you are a warrior. Joining the clan to find more like you. Doing so will mean training on & off the court, mind & body, every day. It will be uncomfortable. Reinvention of self always is, but this won't be like anything you've ever done. This opportunity isn't going to wait around.  The clan will be small and the competition will be fierce. That's a promise. Only the best will survive. You won't find us on social media. We are a rumor, a ghost. We show up without notice and disappear into the wind. Are you worthy? Find out here



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